Divorce and the Bhagvad Gita- Krishna will never leave us

Divorce and the Bhagavad-gita

If people fall in love and get married then there should never be a Divorce. Well never means almost zero because 2 people mutually selected each other, knew each other, spent time with each other.

Mumbai High Court however has a different take -- it says that Divorces are high in Love marriages (Refer above link).

Why? Reason is that most love marriages happen between different cultures, castes etc and after marriage these come into play and require a good amount of mutual understanding and sacrifice among the partners to work around the differences.

That is not easy. Most of the time we want the other person to change. And when they don't it is easy to head to the Exit door.

Read the above article, two people fall in love and get married. Girl becomes HIV+ after marriage (not that she was HIV+ before marriage due to some illicit stuff) and the Guy promptly wants a divorce. That is how deep love is here and yet we long for one relentlessly

We (the Souls) have a natural loving relationship with KRISHNA. He expects that we will align with Him BUT when we don't though, he does not exit from our Heart. He stays there. When we don't want to hear Him or align with Him, He respects our decision but continues to stay in our heart silently. Who will do this in this world? Irrespective of what we do with Him, He does not leave us and stop loving us. Find someone like that in this world -- try.